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020 and Bluehouse

This year, the main pillar for the social works department was sustainability. By chance, I / the social director ran into them on campus handing out sustainable notebooks. Who better to pair up with to produce sustainable stickers than a sustainable marketplace based in Amsterdam intent on working with students ? Once we produced our stickers with the founders of Bluehouse, the next big step was more merch. We are lucky enough to have been able to cultivate such an amazing relationship with this beautiful company based on our shared values and work ethic !

Bluehouse helped us financially by not taking any commission themselves and also logistically which saved us a lot of time. Having worked with other producers on merch in the past, the quality/sustainability balance was also exceptional and we hope it's a partnership we can continue far into the future.

020 also partly subsidised the hoodies for our members to make them more affordable.


Our members with some merchandise...

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