In with the new...
A Look into 020’s 2022/23 Managing Board
A step closer towards change - 020’s dynamic candidates
Embracing Our Voice: Reflecting on Last Week's Elections and the Power of Voting at the University
Reviewing 020's Past Electoral Achievements in Anticipation of the Upcoming 2023 Elections
Beyond Grades: 020's Vision for a Holistic Education
Quality of Education: Pillar Introduction
How does 020 aim to keep its sustainbility pillar alive
Sustainability: Our Driving Force - How 020 at the UvA is paving the way for a greener future
Do Individual Incentives Really Matter for Sustainability?
A brief introduction to the sustainabilty pillar at 020
Setting an example for diversity & inclusion
Where does 020 stand with Diversity and Inclusion?
020’s Strive for Diversity and Inclusion at the UvA
The menstrual poverty pillar at 020
020's approach towards equality
Mental health at 020
Loneliness, seasonal depression and homesickness
The winter blues
A sprinkle of that holiday spirit in Holland